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Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Doppelganger from Downunder?

Could Pieter Welten be my doppelganger? The reason I ask the question is that there certainly seems to be some synchronicity going on concerning us. Pieter is from the Netherlands, where my parents come from. They emigrated to New Zealand in the early fifties - met each other here in fact. I was born a Kiwi, but spent 18 months in Holland when I was young, and was introduced to stamp collecting by my cousins. The European stamps of the time are etched in my mind. 'Proper' stamps.
You would expect that a Dutchman would exchange stamps from the Low countries for stamps from Downunder. However, Pieter send me a packet with recent Australian stamps - all of which I did not have or have even seen. Pieter has a good Antipodean collection because as a young child he spent 2 years in NZ, and an uncle lived in Australia for many years.

Pieter and I have had a record number of email exchanges. He sends me scans of his swaps, and I mark out those which I would like to have. I shall do the same, as soon as I get my act together: organize my duplicates onto stock pages and figure out how to use a scanner. Still, if I can write a blog the scanning shouldn't be beyond me.

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