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Monday, April 5, 2010

Mr Yoon misses out

Luis Salvador Sanchez Fernandez seems to be having as much trouble trying to keep his stamps exchanges sorted as I am. He had agreed to send me 60 Japanese Prefecture stamps for 60 New Zealand, but there was a bit of a muddle. My address was accidentally added to the envelope of 60 Spanish stamps meant for a Jake Yoon.

In the follow-up email Luis apologized for that. He suggested that I return the stamps along with the NZ ones I was to send him (he posted the Japanese stamps the next day) or, if I liked them, I could keep both lots. 

(Luis must have lots of Spanish stamps to trade. Make a note of that, all Spanish stamps collectors.) 

I did like them, so I have agreed to post off 120 Kiwi stamps for him. But I had better send of a photo first. I learned that Luis already has about 500 NZ stamps.

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